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Reflexology and women's health  

Women's health is vitally important. There are many changes that take effect as we move through the different stages of our lives and it's really important to take notice of these changes.  Most of what we experience is driven by fluctuations in hormones. 


Reflexology can support female health by; reducing severity of menstrual pain, improving sleep, reducing anxiety, improving mood and sense of well-being and relieving constipation.  

Reflexology for Menopause 

Every woman and her menopause is unique and reflexology is there to make the journey that little bit easier.   Reflexology offers a natural way to regulate your body. It can be very effective in relieving some of the most common menopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes, night sweats, sleep disruption and feelings of anxiety and low mood. Reflexology can help you feel calmer and more relaxed, consequently helping you sleep better as well as improving mood and overall well-being. It aims to optimise physical and emotional well-being by balancing the body as a whole, rather than focusing on any one specific symptom. Here are 4 areas reflexology can improve:   Sleep - sleep disturbance is common in menopause and it is thought to be associated with reducing hormone levels. A drop in oestrogen levels’ disrupts sleep which can exacerbate other things like our cognitive health.   Stress - Menopause often happens at a time when we can already have high stress levels. Stress can make menopausal symptoms worse, plus, elevated cortisol levels (through prolonged levels of stress) age us faster.   Anxiety - As hormone levels decline the brain has to adapt and this impacts mood regulating chemicals including serotonin and endorphins. Reducing stress can make a significant difference.   Vasomotor symptoms (hot flushes and night sweats) - these affect 75% of perimenopausal women and can be really disruptive to everyday life.  Reflexology (in conjunction with other lifestyle measures) can be really effective in helping to relieve such symptoms.

Reflexology for Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety has a huge physical impact on the body - including the nervous system, blood pressure and heart rate. Also, stress encourages the body to release increased levels of corticosterone (and high levels are seen in people who are struggling with depression too).  

Reflexology can improve blood flow to the organs, activate the endocrine system, improve nervous system function and release endorphins, aiding relaxation and minimising the body’s stress response.

Reflexology for sleep issues

Lack of sleep can cause a whole range of issues including impairment to your memory, headaches, confusion and depression.

As reflexology can aid relaxation and calm the nervous system, it's become a well established treatment for improving sleep quality.

Reflexology for chronic illness

Chronic illness can understandably create stress and worry and your body reacts to this as it would any other type of stress e.g.: causing anxiety, overwhelm, clouded or muddled thinking, memory issues, immune system suppression and sleep interference.  

Reflexology can support relaxation and create a feeling of calm, supporting you through your illness and any associated treatments and their side effects.

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